Soil Sampling Equipment / Coring & Drilling Equipment
For uses in Agricultural and Environmental Sampling - Lysimeter, Cathodic Protection & Monitoring Well
Installation - Geotechnical Engineering - Excavation & Septic -
Remediation. GPS Systems – Penetrometers - Soil Moisture
Equipment – Gas Vapor & Water Sampling Ability to both push and rotate any type of
tooling that your specific application requires - All in one machine. The most efficient, versatile, highest quality, and most powerful, small rig on the market today.
Bar None! Compare our quality & reputation to any other equipment on
the market All equipment and tooling manufactured in
house so special orders to fit your specific needs are not a problem,
minimizing lost production and down time. Deal direct with the manufacturer
eliminating costly and uninformed middlemen, Ultimately saving you time &
money, increasing your production and profitability.
Catalog (updated 08/24/2015) Machines & Machine
Options Catalog (.PDF 7.2MB)*
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